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..:: Superwizja psychoterapii z perspektywy psychodynamicznej 5 ::..
Superwizja psychoterapii z perspektywy psychodynamicznej 5
Jacek Bomba
Superwizja psychoterapii z perspektywy psychodynamicznej  5
Psychotherapy supervision as viewed from psychodynamic standpoint  5
Autor przedstawia zarys zagadnień dotyczących superwizji psychoterapii w podejściu psychodynamicznym z uwzględnieniem perspektywy historycznej tego podejścia, jak i stanu aktualnego. Artykuł przybliża m.in. wyniki badań empirycznych dotyczących metod i form superwizji, a także wyniki prac nad zoperacjonalizowaniem definicji superwizji.
In spite of the wide recommendation of supervision in training and continuous education in mental health, professional literature on the problem is relatively scarce. Majority of publications listed in the data bases concern rather clinical supervision then specific psychotherapy supervision.
Supervision has originated within psychoanalysis, as continuation of training analysis, to develop later in a specific form of education.
Research on supervision performed in the 90-ties led to conclusions that none of the various models of supervising proved to be more effective. It was also claimed that in spite of variety of the theoretical background, techniques used by supervisors are similar.
Milne's concept of — specific and operationalized definition of supervision as a form of education and training requiringorganised, intensive, case concerned relation in which experienced practitioner supports, directs and leads the work of colleagues — is discussed.

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Numer: 3
Wydany: 2010-10-05
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