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..:: Własności struktury "ja" a zaburzenia monitorowania źródła informacji u osób chorych na schizofrenię 819 ::..
Własności struktury "ja" a zaburzenia monitorowania źródła informacji u osób chorych na schizofrenię 819
Marek Nieznański
Własności struktury "ja" a zaburzenia monitorowania źródła informacji u osób chorych na schizofrenię      819
Summary Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore relationships between self-structure and source monitoring in people with schizophrenia. Material and method: Forty-one outpatients with an ICD-10 diagnosis of schizophrenic disorders participated in the study. Subjects were asked to select personality trait words from a check-list that described themselves, themselves as they were five years ago, and what most people are like. They also performed a source monitoring task and were assessed on current psychiatric symptoms. Results: Patients who lacked a sense of continuity over time tended to attribute self-generated items to an external source. Subjects who had a less clearly defined self-structure and whose self-representation was less differentiated from others-representation tended to falsely attribute items to themselves. Conclusion: The basic features of self-structure were significantly related to some problems in discrimination of self-generated stimuli in the source monitoring task.

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Numer: 5
Wydany: 2004-10-01
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