Aktualności i opinie


..:: Zaburzenie obsesyjno-kompulsyjne — metody leczenia i czynniki determinujące ich skuteczność 55 ::..
Zaburzenie obsesyjno-kompulsyjne — metody leczenia i czynniki determinujące ich skuteczność 55

Joanna Mikulska, Anita Bryńska

Zaburzenie obsesyjno-kompulsyjne — metody leczenia i czynniki determinujące ich skuteczność                 55

Obsessive-compulsive disorder — methods of treatment and the factors influencing their efficacy 55


The aim of this review is to summarize the known factors which can determine the efficacy of therapy (pharmacotherapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy) in OCD. The Medline and Psych.Info (1966-2003) were reviewed with key words: OCD and CBT, OCD and BT. The emerging data suggest that there exist some factors which can influence the efficacy of therapy in OCD: metabolism of fluorodeoxyglucose in the left orbitofrontal cortex, the clinical picture of the disease - predominance of obsessions or compulsions, predominance of a specific group of symptoms (i.e. sexual/religious obsessions, compulsive hoarding and saving), associated symptoms of depression, duration of illness, the number of previous therapies, the level of functioning before treatment, Y-BOCS score before treatment, compliance with the therapist during the first week of psychotherapy and reduction of anxiety between sessions (two last factors refer to cognitive-behavioural therapy).


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Numer: 131
Wydany: 2005-02-10
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