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..:: Ekspresja obrazu własnego ciała u osób otyłych na podstawie analizy porównawczej rysunku człowieka i rysunku siebie 37 ::..
Ekspresja obrazu własnego ciała u osób otyłych na podstawie analizy porównawczej rysunku człowieka i rysunku siebie 37
Monika Bąk-Sosnowska, Anna Trzcieniecka-Green, Barbara Zahorska-Markiewicz
Ekspresja obrazu własnego ciała u osób otyłych na podstawie analizy porównawczej rysunku człowieka i rysunku siebie      37
Summary The image of the body is a part of the general image of the self. It forms a mental, visual representation of the body and contains an emotional component, crucial for the attitude to one's own body. It can change or become distorted by significant changes in appearance. A drawing is one of the expressive projection methods. In the presented study it was assumed that two kinds of drawings: The Drawing of a Man and The Drawing of Self represent: subconscious self - projection and realistic self - portrait. It was also assumed, that its accuracy is advantageous in the process of weight loss. The aim of this study was to compare both drawings made by obese persons and to check how similar they are with regard to the body size. Method and Material: The participants were 24 obese persons, subscribed to a slimming programme. The average age was 42.1+- 11.1 and the average body weight was 101.5 +- 5.4 kg. , i.e. BMI=38.8 +- 5.4. They were asked to draw a figure of a man and two weeks later the figure of self. In both cases they had a blank piece of paper and a pen. Time was unlimited and they did not have additional instructions about the appearance of the drawings. Results: Among the 24 Drawings of a Man 21 (87.5%) were assessed as slim and 3 (12.5%) as obese. The Drawings of a Man presented: a grown-up of the same gender as author, a grown-up of the opposite gender, a child and a matrix of a human. Among the Drawings of Self there were 3 (12.5%) slim and 21 (87.5%) obese. The pairs of drawings were divided into 4 categories: slim-obese (79.16%), obese-obese (8.33%), slim-slim (8.33%) and obese-slim (4.16%). Conclusions: 1. In the Drawing of a man, the majority of the obese created a non adequate figure with regard to the body size, and drew a slim figure. 2. In the Drawing of the Self, the majority of the obese adequately assessed their own appearance and drew an obese person as self.

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Numer: 3
Wydany: 2004-09-01
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