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..:: Częstość występowania i rodzaj zmian dermatologicznych u pacjentów psychiatrycznych leczonych lekami psychotropowymi 491 ::..
Częstość występowania i rodzaj zmian dermatologicznych u pacjentów psychiatrycznych leczonych lekami psychotropowymi 491
Ewa Murak-Kozanecka, Jolanta Rabe-Jabłońska
Częstość występowania i rodzaj zmian dermatologicznych u pacjentów psychiatrycznych leczonych lekami psychotropowymi      491
Summary Aim: The aim of the study was to establish prevalence and type of dermatologic symptoms in patients with mental disorders, treated with psychotropics drugs, and comparison of the frequency and type of dermatologic disorders after typical psychotropics and new psychotropic drugs, and assessment of relationships between diagnosis of mental disorders and type of dermatologic symptoms. Method: In the study 4041 patients hospitalized and treated with psychotropic drugs in a psychiatric hospital took part. Dermatologic consultation was conducted in 340 patients, but only 98 were in monotherapy. This group was assessed with a next procedure: questionnaire regarding demographic dates, early and family dermatologic disorders, treatment with other than psychotropics - drugs, diet, addictions and analysis of medical documentation (psychiatric and dermatologic diagnosis, actual pharmacotherapy). Results and conclusions: 8.4% of the subjects had dermatologic symptoms, which were consulted by dermatologists. 1/2 of this group had their first treatment with psychotropics. Dermatologic symptoms appeared more often in patients treated with more than 2 psychotropics than in patients in monotherapy, usually in the first weeks of pharmacotherapy. Narly 1/3rd of these subjects had allergic disorders. In subjects treated with psychotropics the most frequent dermatologic symptoms (allergic diseases, psoriasis and psoriasislike disorders) were noted after therapy with antipsychotics, next anxiolytics. In 3/4 patients treated with antidepressants had vascular diseases of the skin. In the whole group, dermatologic disorders appeared most frequently after treatment with BZD, phenotiazines and butyrophenones. New psychotropic drugs caused less dermatologic symptoms than typical antipsychotics and antidepressants.

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Numer: 3
Wydany: 2004-06-01
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