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..:: Ocena efektywności psychoedukacji w grupach pacjentów psychotycznych i depresyjnych - badanie pilotażowe 433 ::..
Ocena efektywności psychoedukacji w grupach pacjentów psychotycznych i depresyjnych - badanie pilotażowe 433
Regina Popławska, Andrzej Czernikiewicz, Agata Szulc, Beata Galińska, Beata Konarzewska, Inessa Rudnik-Szałaj
Ocena efektywności psychoedukacji w grupach pacjentów psychotycznych i depresyjnych - badanie pilotażowe       433
Summary Earlier studies suggest that psychoeducation as a form of psychosocial care is of value in improving the patient's attitude towards mental illness as well as in reducing and delaying the relapse rates of both - psychotic and depressive disorders. Aim: The aim of this study was the evaluation of influence of psychoeducation on clinical symptoms, quality of life and drug attitude in schizophrenic and depressive patients. Method: 52 patients, aged 18-50 years, hospitalized in the Department of Psychiatry of Medical Academy in Białystok, were involved in the study. They were randomly assigned into 2 groups: on medication without psychoeducation (12 schizophrenics, 12 depressive patients) and on medication and psychoeducation (16 schizophrenics and 12 depressive patients). The patients were assessed by means of BPRS, BNS, IMHC 2000, Raskin/Covi Scale, DAI-10. The assessment was performed twice - shortly after admission and before discharge from the hospital. Results: The patients in both groups showed improvement in symptoms and in quality of life. Patients on psychoeducation changed their drug attitude positively significantly more often. Conclusion: Knowledge about the positive influence of medication on psychiatric symptoms helps to improve compliance and improves the course of disease.

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Numer: 3
Wydany: 2004-06-01
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