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..:: Maska endokrynna rozwoju procesu schizofrenicznego - studium przypadku 883 ::..
Maska endokrynna rozwoju procesu schizofrenicznego - studium przypadku 883
Małgorzata Śmiarowska, Barbara Krzyżanowska-Świniarska, Agata Lisiecka, Magdalena Letkiewicz, Krystyna Pilarska, Jan Horodnicki
Maska endokrynna rozwoju procesu schizofrenicznego - studium przypadku      883
Summary: In this research psychic and somatic symptoms related to disturbances of hypothalamus - hypophysis - peripheral regulation which may occur in the schizophrenic process were analysed. Authors discussed the problem of relations between hypothalamus neuroregulation and pathogenesis of endocrine disturbances which suggest the organic cause of obesity, hirsutism and secondary amenorrhea among women diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Actual antipsychotic pharmacological treatment, including some side- effects: the metabolic (obesity) and the endocrine (hyperprolactinemia) ones were considered. The authors conclude that endocrine disorders which are connected with hypothalamus dysfunction (sleeping, eating and reproductive functions) may forereach the psychotic symptoms and treating them influences at the same time some endocrine changes. The estimation of PRL release in a test of stimulation with metoclopramide can be a sensitive (though not specific) test of dopaminergic activity in tuberous - infundibulum pathway and may be used to control the treatment.

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Numer: 5
Wydany: 2004-10-01
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