Anna Brytek-Matera, Aleksandra Hess
Prezentacja osobistych celów pacjentek z diagnozą jadłowstrętu psychicznego 69-75
Personal goals presentation in patients with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa 69-75
W artykule przedstawione są wyniki przeprowadzonych przez Autorki badań, które miały za zadanie ocenę osobistych celów życiowych u dziewcząt z jadłowstrętem psychicznym oraz analizę zależności pomiędzy tymi celami a symptomami depresji i lęku. W badaniach zastosowano metody kwestionariuszowe: Goal Importance/Facilitation Scale (GIFS) Maesa i wsp. oraz Szpitalnej Skali Lęku i Depresji Zigmonda i Snaitha.
Introduction. The goals are defined by Ford and Nichols (1987) as the thoughts about desired states or outcomes that one would like to achieve.
Aim. The main objective of this study was to analyse the personals goals and evaluate the correlation between goals and mood disorders in patients with anorexia nervosa.
Method. We examined a group of 30 anorexic patients. Our control group consisted of 30 students without eating disorders. Life goals are assessed using the Goal Importance/Facilitation Scale by Maes et al. (2000). All subjects also completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale by Zigmond and Snaith (1983).
Results. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in the Goal Importance/Facilitation Scale, with the anorexic group presenting the highest scores of intellectual development (p < 0.001), avoidance of unpleasantness (p < 0.001) and social development (p < 0.05). Those goals are very important for women with anorexia nervosa but, at the same time, very difficult to attain. The results also revealed a significant correlation between the personal goals and symptoms of depression and anxiety in the anorexic group.
Conclusion. The goal disturbance may play a major role in eating disorders. |