Andrzej Cechnicki, Haim Knobler
Nasza młodzież - nasza przyszłość 77-85
Our youth - our future 77-85
Autorzy przedstawiają wstępne założenia oraz pierwsze doświadczenia wynikające z realizacji projektu: "Być młodym w Polsce — być młodym w Izraelu" . Rysują historię dochodzenia do niego poprzez doświadczenia spotkań między profesjonalistami pracującymi w psychiatrii krakowskich i jerozolimskich katedr.
In Poland, subjects related to the real, common history of Poles and Jews were mostly passed over with silence until the 1980's. The authors describe the history of the Polish-Israeli dialogue which was initiated by employees of the Psychiatry Hospital in Kraków; the breaking of silence and building relations based on trust. They write about the tragic dimension of those relations, that is, bringing up subsequent generations of Israeli youths with the conviction that Poland is only the place of the Holocaust, and about an attempt to change that. They write about the project entitled "To be young in Poland — to be young in Israel", a common effort of many communities dedicated to building partnerships between Israeli and Polish schools, enabling the youths to stay with their peers' families, enhancing the agreement and enabling to feel safe.
Polish -Israeli dialogue |